

Lookssmall to medium-sized
Weight4 – 6 kg
Coatshort-haired, no undercoat
Patternstaggered hues, underbelly brighter than back
Colourwalnut, cream, chocolate, blue, lilac, cinnamon, red, fawn
Eyesall hues from yellow gold and chartreuse through to amber
Characteraffectionate, child friendly, adventurous
Special traitlively and playful

What is the special trait of this breed? 

Your fluffy shadow
The social Burmese is extremely human-oriented and will not move from your side. A great mate, always there for you. It will always make sure to be nearby and needs social contact throughout the day. Alone at home comes close to punishment for a Burmese, which is why they should never be a single cat.

They like living together with fellow cats, dogs or children and will blend effortlessly into existing structures, if everything is prepared accordingly.

Burmese cats are mostly balanced and calm, however they will always be happy to play – even at an advanced age. With an imposing voice, they will make sure their wishes are heard – they may not be quite as dominant as a Siamese, but are definitely known as very audible communicators!

What are the unique traits of the Burmese?

Burmese colouring
As an Oriental beauty, the Burmese scores points with its looks alone. Fine-haired and shimmering, the short-haired coat has a silk-like quality and fits close to the body. The colour hues are unique to this breed. Ears and face are accentuated and the underbelly is of a brighter colour than the legs and back.

However, good things take their time and the little ones are initially of a very light colour after their birth. It takes up to 24 months until the respective parts have darkened and the coat has acquired its sophisticated look.

At exhibitions, the golden-eyed Burmese are winning most of the awards. Obviously also shape and expression play a role. According to “FIFe category 3 Bur (Burmese)”, the breed must have big, wide set eyes with a vivid and luminous shine to them.

Interesting facts on keeping and care

Short and efficient
With the Burmese, coat care becomes swift and easy. Due to comparatively short hair and a sparse undercoat, daily beauty treatments are unnecessary. Once a week suffices.

The sparse undercoat also means that during coat changing season in spring and autumn the Burmese needs less maintenance time than other pedigree cats.

The Burmese is very active and therefore needs a spacious living environment! A big flat or house, a safe balcony or outdoor access are a must. 

If no open air activity is possible, you should make sure that the cat has a lot of roaming space at home and that species-appropriate equipment for climbing and playing is provided.

But remember – even the most sophisticated equipment cannot substitute for a fellow cat.

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